Performance/Slam Poetry & Creative Writing and Theater & Acting Winter/Spring 2018-2019
D.I.V.A.’s (Divine Inspired Versatile Artists) is a program designed to introduce girls (ages 10-17) to performance/slam poetry & creative writing and theater & acting. Divas will learn about different forms of poetry including Lyric Poetry, Free Verse, and Haiku, discuss and participate in slam-styled forms of expression, and learn how to emote their written works effectively for an audience. They will also engage in various role-playing activities (ex. – discuss different emotions and how to express them both broadly and subtly), perform monologues and skits, and explore improvisation. Divas will have completed at least 2 poems, including a slam/performance piece, which they will showcase in a culminating presentation at the end of the program.
To register visit the City of Allen's website by clicking below.