
 7 Tips for Building A Big Business (click here)

 7 Tips for Building A Big Business….because no vision is ‘small.’

Words have power!  If you know me, then you know that’s my mantra.  So, “big” business it is!

Like most big business owners, I started with a great innovative idea but very minimal direction for materializing it. I read books and articles, researched online, attended free workshops, stressed, asked questions, read more books and articles, did more online research, attended more free workshops, did I say I stressed, and asked more questions.  Needless to say, navigating this process left me feeling overwhelmed, discouraged and ready to throw in the towel.

Successfully building anything takes the right tools.  Whether it’s a house, relationship or business, having some fundamentals in place is a must.    

Here are 7 of my favorite trial-and-error-tried-and-true tips that I’ve built/build my ‘’big’ business on.


We’ve been taught [as women] that putting ourselves first is a selfish, self-centered act – especially if we have a family.  So, we tend to think of our own well being last while taking great care of everyone else around us.  Then, we wonder why we’re so burnt out.  If you’re on empty, how do you have anything to give to anyone else?  We must be the priority in our lives.  We must give to ourselves first by practicing self-care.  Start the day with a light, healthy, unprocessed breakfast.  Stretch.  Pull yourself away from your work and take a lunch break.  Read a good book just for the sake of reading.  Soak in a hot bath.  Meditate for 10 minutes in the middle of the day.  Indulge in a hobby.  Spend time with friends.  Binge watch your favorite episodic.  Take a dance class.  Do something that puts you in the driver's seat to give to yourself first.  Fill yourself up and others will inevitably experience the overflow.  It's in the smallest ways that the greatest differences are made.  


“Invest?! (whining) But, I don’t have any money!”  There are more ways than one to sow into your craft, and they’re free.  Something very helpful that I learned in my research is there are tons of free resources that are available online as well as many in your local community, with several agencies offering free relevant workshops.  From the Small Business Association to the Chamber of Commerce to the local business banker to community meetings with local, state and government agencies, there is so much information out there to add to your knowledge.  And, again, it’s free!  So, take the time to invest in your craft by learning and applying as much as you can.  Be the one always growing.  In this way, you continue to hone your skills set and maintain your competitive edge.


Sounds silly, right?  Like, who dates their vision?  Well, I’m not asking you to romance your ideas.  Or, maybe I am.  Just as you would set aside uninterrupted time and put in the energy and effort necessary to become better acquainted with a new love interest, you must do the same for your vision.  Be curious.  Ask questions.  Explore.  Make adjustments if needed.  Spending “alone” time, together, provides your mind a space to rid itself of other people’s opinions and remember the originator of the idea.  It is in this still and quiet place that the picture becomes clearer and you identify what action steps need to be taken to make the intangible, tangible.


Rejection is inevitable.  Get over it!  Seriously.  There will be people along the way who will give you 101 reasons why they think something you’re doing can’t be done.  Some doors you knock on will never open.  Some meetings will never be scheduled, phone calls never returned and emails never responded to.  There will be many disappointing experiences of people failing to follow through; it comes with the territory.  Get over it!  Just continue to put yourself out there.  All you need is one resounding yes to catapult your business to the next level.  If you stop at no, you’ll never know what could have materialized. Yes, is also inevitable!


And I do mean a lot!  Who cares how it makes you look.  Or, rather how you think it makes you look.  A wise person asks but a fool remains misdirected by ego.  If you don't know, ask.  If you’re unsure, ask.  If you knew, but have since forgotten, ask.  Making the inquiry is the only way to learn and gain the valuable insight needed to further your progress.  So, have at it.  Ask a lot of questions.


There is just simply no way around this.  You need support and accountability, and in my experience they go hand in hand.  Those who cheer you on and remind you of why you started will also be the ones to gently nudge you, or give you the good ol’ proverbial slap, to get you back on track.  They respect your passion, encourage your focus and regard your perseverance.  These are the individuals you want to keep close; support and accountability are absolute key.


This one actually should have been closer to #1 but I figured I’d save the best for last.  I simply can’t emphasize the importance of this enough.  If we’re not mindful, we can be so fixated on the outcome that we miss the journey – all of the amazing miracles and wonders we encounter along the way.  Honoring our growth/progress helps alleviate the feeling of constantly trying to get somewhere that we never seem to be able to get.  So, celebrate every milestone as modestly or lavishly as you choose.  It’s perfect for your sanity and you deserve it for your accomplishments!

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